DSL Nerf Armor Dark Blue/White
Nintendo DS - click on the image below for more information.

- Soft NERF foam improves the grip and feel of the DS Lite in your hands; who doesn?t want that advantage against the game?
- The comfort is unmatched; you can play for ages without getting that gaming-induced ?I?ve lost all sensation in my hands? feeling.
- Available in a variety of color combinations to help you stand apart from the crowd?.just like your record-setting, awe-inspiring high scores.
- Easy to install and to remove, but your DS Lite is fully functional with the Armor on. Whether you?re traveling to school or to Mario?s Mushroom Kingdom, your DS Lite is always protected.
Nintendo DS
We wish we had NERF Armor for every one of our electronic gadgets, we love it that much. But this case is strictly custom-built for your Nintendo DS Lite. This is authentic NERF foam, thick enough to cushion and protect your DS Lite and giving you a vise-like grip on your system to improve your game. It snaps on and off the DS Lite easily; sure you can take it off but why would you want to? Everything is fully accessible with the Armor on. Play Pokemon or Super Mario Bros. to your heart's content; never lose a game just because you lost your grip.
DSL Nerf Armor Dark Blue/White
Click on the button for more Nintendo DS information and reviews.
Ranger: Nintendo DS Lite
Image by Dekuwa
CGRundertow BIG BANG MINI for Nintendo DS Video Game Review
Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Big Bang Mini from Arkedo Studios and SouthPeak Games for the Nintendo DS. Big Bang Mini is a fireworks themed shooter. You control a ship with your stylus, and you shoot at the enemies on the top screen by flicking the stylus upward. But Big Bang Mini takes this classic shoot 'em up formula and adds its own unique twists. For starters, you're not shooting lasers or missiles. You're shooting fireworks. They propel onto the top screen ahead of a fiery tail and explode with an arresting display of color. And because the fireworks are not fired from the directly from your ship, you can launch them from any location and angle on the touch screen. Big Bang Mini is entirely touch based, and it works tremendously well. This is a gorgeous game with an incredible sense of style and a fantastic gameplay hook. This video review features video gameplay footage of Big Bang Mini for the Nintendo DS and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek. Check out more reviews from Classic Game Room at www.YouTube.com www.YouTube.com and www.YouTube.com For the latest trailers, visit www.YouTube.com Get more Classic Game Room on Facebook at www.facebook.com and at www.ClassicGameRoom.com.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Orignal From: DSL Nerf Armor Dark Blue/White
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